Monday, December 16, 2019

The Band

   Gus Dewey’s band is in town !  I wonder if they are still called the Jestures.  They are going to play.  In fact it is this afternoon.  I didn’t think he still played.  I didn’t think he was still alive.   And they are going to play here!  Wow.  I am definitely going to be around to enjoy the music and also can reacquaint myself with Gus.  It’s been a long time.  North Mankato.  50’s and 60’s .
   Gus was always cool.  He wasn’t a jock.  He wasn’t a brain or a nerd.  He played music. He had a band.  He was cool.   I was not.  So if you were not cool, you hung around Gus and tried to be. Teachers called him Daniel.  Everybody else called him, Gus.  He played music.   That’s what he did.  It was enough.
    So today is going to be a trip down memory lane.  A trip back to the days of my youth growing up in North Mankato, Minnesota.  So I hung around the place where Gus was going to play.  It was an outdoor area, a parking lot.  At one end was a small covered area that could be used as a food counter for a burger vendor.  In fact there were several stools in front of the counter.  That was going to be the stage for the performance.
  As time got closer, I got more excited and wandered over to the “stage” to see if the band was ready.  They were just about to begin.  I thought about sitting on one of the stools so that I would have a good seat, then remembered that rock and roll music is best when it’s loud, so I moved away.  I was so concentrating on the counter and stools that I never actually saw any of the band members clearly.  They were there but were just outlines and shadows.

   I awoke before the music started.   I bet it was awesome.

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