Saturday, December 21, 2019

Morning Walk

   It was a dark and rainy morning.  (Sounds like the beginning of a Edgar Allan Poe story).  It was almost 7am but still no sign of daylight.  ( today is the shortest day/longest night of the year)  I look forward to increasing light.  I would have preferred to sleep another hour, but the boys get restless.  Hunter comes around to my side of the bed to get a head rub each morning and today was no exception.  So, it was get up in the dark and dress in the dark.  Then wander out into the family room in the dark. The boys wander behind me knowing what comes next.  We go out into the garage so that I get my into my various jackets and today, a rain parka.  Hunter also has a rain "parka" to help keep him less wet.
   And so we walked.  Our morning walk is usually longer, but the wet conditions encouraged me to shorten it.  The boys know that breakfast follows the walk, so they would not complain about heading home early.

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