Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving Day

   Yesterday we went into Portland for Thanksgiving dinner.  30 folks gathered in a rather small space to partake of some traditional food, turkey, mashed potatoes, yams and some that was not so traditional, polenta, Fruit salad, and vegetarian dishes which were a total mystery to me and, therefore, not tried  Then there was desert.  Apple pie, pumpkin pie, carrot bars, a cake that contained no dairy, mincemeat pies, and whipped cream which makes everything taste better. 
    I left a little early to drive to ARC and make a blood product delivery to OHSU hospital.  It was my first time there but it turned out to be easy.  There is a booklet that drivers can take that show step-by-step instructions (with photos) on where to park, where to enter, elevators, where to put the boxes, etc.  It makes the job less stressful for the first time volunteer.
   A ARC vehicle is used for these deliveries.  Last night I drove one of the new Ram City Vans. Short, sort of tall mini vans that are ideal for city driving.  Once I figured out the unique features of the vehicle, it was fine.  It was fun to drive something different.  I delivered 4 boxes and picked up 17 so it was a short but worthwhile trip.

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