Tuesday, November 19, 2019


   I finally received my ARC ID Card.  It allows me access to areas of the headquarters that require a swipe of the card to get in without an escort.  I'm not fully aware of the reason for all of the security but it's there regardless.  There is a security person at the front door and but all he requires is a signature on the register to get a "Visitor" sticker.  The ARC blood donation center is located in the building so many "civilians" come through the doors every day.
   My ID card allows me to breeze right through the front door and just show my card or even go around to the doors in the back.  That's where I will go to pickup the Biomed (blood products) deliveries.  It is also where the ARC vehicles are parked. 
   Part of the learning curve with ARC is learning the various "arms" of the agency.  As far as I can tell, each one operates independently of the others.  So each has their needs for volunteers and and the job requirements vary.  I am still working out if I want to limit myself to one or "move around".
The latter sounds more interesting but requires more of a learning curve.  I have yet to make a delivery of blood but I'm trying to set up a date.  I have a super busy day tomorrow installing fire alarms.  I might need to wear my Superman suit.

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