Tuesday, November 12, 2019


   Clematis is a vine with over 300 varieties and more being developed every year.  Randa and I visited the Rogerson Clematis Garden on Sunday and while is definitely not the right time of year, it was still interesting.  The greenhouse is manned by volunteers every Friday all year.  Wandering around the garden, we were surrounded by vines now dormant but promising lots of blooms come summer.  We are looking forward to returning here next summer. 
     We did learn several information bits while we were there.
   CLEM  a tus  is the pronunciation that this garden uses for this flower. 

   The garden captures seeds from the actual plants by putting mesh bags around the flower remains where that seeds exist.  These hairy mops are actually the seeds with their tails.

We did find a couple of blossoms.

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