Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Adventure South Sunday Dec 30

After a good night's sleep, we were on the road before 9am.  It helps when you don't unhook the night before.  Drove the 100 miles to Vegas.  It is over 40 miles drive north to south through there.  Traveling on Sunday meant no rush hour traffic but there were plenty of vehicles buzzing by us as we drove the speed limit through town, stopping at the south end for fuel.
   On the road again south, still on 95, into California, onto I-10. East to Needles and then south again on 95 to Hwy 62 to Parker, AZ.  Again fuel and back at it.  My phone said it was 200 miles from Parker to Superior so I decided, rather than stop for the night on the west side of Phoenix, to push on all the way to Boyce Thompson.
    We called our contact there and they said that we would not be able to get into our rv spot but we could dry camp in the parking lot until the next morning.  Lots of traffic in Phoenix, which was no surprise, but we buzzed right along.  Arrived
 at BTA about 7:45.  Met our new friends, put the legs down on the trailer to stabilize it and went to bed.  The next morning we were guided to our spot here and got set up.  As we were settled, I was watching the clouds gathering in the west.  WE got done just in time because the rain began as it was getting dark.  It rained that night and most of the next day.  A good old Oregon rainy day.  We woke up to snow on Picket Post Mountain which is just to the south and east of our location.  It's is good to be stationary for a while.

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