Friday, January 25, 2019


   We had our first school group yesterday.  153 Third Graders, their teachers, and several parents for each class.  There are five volunteers so each of us got one class ( about 35 students).  I was dreading it to say the least.  They arrived in three school buses about 10am ( 15 minutes late.)  All five of us leaders were standing out front waiting.  We had spent two days preparing the subjects and the demonstration foods for the event. 
    I was the third person to get a class.  I identified myself, and had them follow me away from the chaos.  We walked a short ways to the bathrooms so that the kids could "start out fresh".  when they were finished, I told them my rules: " I am always at the front.  When I raise my hand you need to be quiet.  Use your inside voices even though we are outside.  Don't pick any flowers or plants."
    There were five stations, four of them were plant related and along the arboretum paths.  The fifth station was in the children's learning center where we do more of a classroom type activity.  The whole program is to get kids outside and to let them learn more about their environment.  It's actually a great idea. 
     The day went much better then I had anticipated.  I didn't use my notes as much as I had thought.  Oddly enough, it was fun.  You feel like you have great power when you are walking from one location to another with 35 kids following you.  Such power and influence.

Fun as it was, I was happy to see them head for the picnic area and their lunches.

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