Friday, January 18, 2019

Progress Report

   Randa and I have been at Boyce Thompson Arboretum for 20 days.  The learning curve has been steep, but we are used to cramming information into our brains for the first weeks, so it is ok.  Both us us have given our first general tours.  I had 21 visitors on my tours yesterday, half of them were from Canada.  Guiding folks around this place and showing them this interesting and beautiful place is fun and actually, easy.
   We have settled into a routine, sort of.  The boys get me up about 6 ish.  I try to postpone it but we are usually walking the trails of the park by 7am.  It is peaceful walking around before the park opens at 8 so we are virtually by ourselves. The boys love it because interesting smelling spots are everywhere.  I need to be aware of where the dogs are putting their noses because most of the plants here have barbs or spines.
    General tours are at 11am so if we are the guides, we are there to greet visitors about 10:30.  The general tour takes about 2 hours.  It makes a circle around the park but only hits the high spots. There are many, many other paths winding around the garden.

 Ice Plant

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