Thursday, September 20, 2018


   Tonight we went to supper with friends at a little out-of-the-way place called Ed's in Port Orford.  The choices are limited in this smsll coastal town, but pizza is available there.  So we went.  The half cheese, half Hawaiian was ok.  The atmosphere was small and informal, like a small town pub.  The conversation with our friends was extended and pleasant.
    Going out the front door we strolled along the sidewalk in front of the building heading for our truck where a lady was sitting on a small chair in front of her apartment.  With her was her dog, who appeared to be mostly Healer.  The others had gone ahead but I stopped and chatted with her and petted her dog.  She said to me, "My dog doesn't have much to do, like me."
     After a few more minutes, I said my goodbye and wished her a good evening.   She said to me, "Thank you for stopping and talking to me."  Those words are still in my head.


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