Saturday, September 8, 2018

Observations from the Campground

I walk the campground road every day when I am walking the boys.  In my tours I have made several observations.  I will share them as the days go by.

Observation no. 1   --  Camping Units

   The occupants of the sites drive a variety of vehicles.  One site will contain a monster motorhome that cost twice what my house is worth.  Plus there is always another vehicle that is towed behind. 
The next site might have someone sleeping in his car. 

     Then there may be a new, just out the box, rig.  New truck.  New trailer.  Both so fresh that the wheel wells are still pristine.  Lots of gear spread about that was purchased for the new toy.

Then there will be a site with a family with two tents, a canopy, three coolers, two lanterns, several bikes and lots of other equipment.  It would be interesting to watch the packing up process.

And so it goes.  It changes every day or two.

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