Sunday, September 30, 2018


We are in Minnesota.  Mankato.  My sister, Karla is in the ICU ward.  Her future is short.  So it was time to go home.
   Thursday morning we had breakfast at our campsite at Cape Blanco.  By 11:15 we were packed and on the road.  We arrived back in Canby a little after 5.  After the trailer was parked, I got oline and secured tickets.  Because they were last minute, they were twice as much, but we needed go.  There were three seats left on the flight when I bought them.
   Our good friends picked us up at 4:15 and dropped us off at the airport.  The airport experience was relatively easy.  The Alaska agent was friendly.  We were pre-checked by TSA, ( the agent said it was because we were "older than him").  The flight left on time, arrived a bit early, picked up by a by a grand nephew, and at the hospital by 4-5 o'clock.  Flying is not the exciting experience it once was.  It's just like a trip in a really fast bus.  But it serves a important need.  To travel across the country quickly.   So it is a good thing.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Cape Arago

The Cape Arago lighthouse.  No longer lit but still is a landmark.

Early morning walk

6am   The boys and I are out for our first walk of the day.  It's
6 am and the sun has not made an impression on the darkness yet.  But it's not dark.  The moon is on the downside of full, but it still casts a bright glow.  The parts of the roadway that are not blocked by flora are well lit.  Remember we are nowhere near city lights.  So dark is really dark.  Not this morning. 
    We circle the campground, stopping many times to check out the bushes along the way and to "take care of business" several times.   There are lights in a few of the trailers and campers but I'M m the only one "on the road".   Hunter came over to the bed and convinced me to get up and dressed.  I was not really ready, but the morning walk always makes me feel better.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Auto Flush Toilets

    So we are in Bandon today.  Turning in my old phone.  ( Verizon refurbishes it and sends it the the troops in the Middle East or gives it to women's shelters.  A good thing.  Glad to have a new one.
    Stopped for lunch at Face Rock Creamery for cheess panini and tomato bisque soup.  Yummy!  On the way out I stopped to use the restroom.  From the time I closed the door in the cubicle to when I closed it while leaving, it self-flushed five times.  Now that is efficiency at it's best.  !

Sunday, September 23, 2018


A beautiful day at the cape.  The wind is cold and from the north.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


   Tonight we went to supper with friends at a little out-of-the-way place called Ed's in Port Orford.  The choices are limited in this smsll coastal town, but pizza is available there.  So we went.  The half cheese, half Hawaiian was ok.  The atmosphere was small and informal, like a small town pub.  The conversation with our friends was extended and pleasant.
    Going out the front door we strolled along the sidewalk in front of the building heading for our truck where a lady was sitting on a small chair in front of her apartment.  With her was her dog, who appeared to be mostly Healer.  The others had gone ahead but I stopped and chatted with her and petted her dog.  She said to me, "My dog doesn't have much to do, like me."
     After a few more minutes, I said my goodbye and wished her a good evening.   She said to me, "Thank you for stopping and talking to me."  Those words are still in my head.


Monday, September 17, 2018

Observations in a campground

The wave.

  The campground is a neighborhood.  We all live, for a short time, in relatively close proximity.  We all have other common traits.  We love the outdoors.  We love the coast.  We are happy to be here at Cape Blanco.
   And so we wave.  As we drive by, we wave.   As we walk by, we wave.  As we meet on the trail, we smile and say hello, or stop and chat.  It is a really good thing. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Observations of the campground


Lots of dogs.  Big ones.  Little ones.  About half of the sites have them.  Some are sitting outside when you walk past, even when the owners are inside.  At one site on this morning's walk the dogs were in the back seat of the pickup ( all night) while the owners were in their 27 foot travel trailer.
  My dogs are family.  They are treated like family.  They don't sleep on our beds, but they are on their own beds nearby.

 Then there is the walks and the thhin that goes along with walking.  Poop!  They do it.  I scoop it.  It is my responsibility.  And it should be every owners as well. 
Well, it's not a perfect world.  Darn it !

New phone

Yesterday we drove to Brandon to get a few groceries and other chores.  One of those was to get a new phone.  Mine was on it's last month and on it's last legs, as the representative at the Verizon store put it. 
  So getting a new device is about equivalent to buying a new car.  It takes about the same time and has the same amount of decisions.  Models, options, colors, plans, insurance.  It was at least a couple of hours that could have been better spent.  At least I have a better functioning machine that is basically the same thing but has more features ( that I will never use) and a slightly higher monthly bill.   All is good !

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Cape Blanco Lighthouse 1871

Observations in the campground

   I have seen several vehicles that have removed to blacked out the brand insignia.  So why would someone go through all the work to do this?  I am not a fan of logos everywhere; team jerseys, athletic events, sports stadiums, etc.
    I am REALLY not a fan of television networks that have to tell me that I am watching their network by constantly showing their logo in the lower  corner of the screen.  And then they feel that they need to use the same area to tell me other useless information such as upcoming programs.   It is, in the least, annoying and should be illegal.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Scenes from Cape Arago

Observations in the Campground

     Parking in your campsite is an easy thing, right?   Not necessarily.   Some park like I park, straight in , no big deal.  Others think it is important to position the vehicle to hide your campsite.  Like there's creepy folks peaking at you when they walk past.  There is also the added tarps and towels to add further obstructions.  If driving a VW van camper, you can park crosswise with the door facing away from the road to accomplish the same end.
     Hiding is easier if you bring lots of items with you to the campground.  The more the merrier.  There have been a couple of sites I would have liked to watch pack up.  "Can they get it all in?"

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Cape Arago

Probably the only day that the wind is not pushing you around.  Beautiful sunshine.  Beautiful scenery.  Fabulous day

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Observations from the Campground

I walk the campground road every day when I am walking the boys.  In my tours I have made several observations.  I will share them as the days go by.

Observation no. 1   --  Camping Units

   The occupants of the sites drive a variety of vehicles.  One site will contain a monster motorhome that cost twice what my house is worth.  Plus there is always another vehicle that is towed behind. 
The next site might have someone sleeping in his car. 

     Then there may be a new, just out the box, rig.  New truck.  New trailer.  Both so fresh that the wheel wells are still pristine.  Lots of gear spread about that was purchased for the new toy.

Then there will be a site with a family with two tents, a canopy, three coolers, two lanterns, several bikes and lots of other equipment.  It would be interesting to watch the packing up process.

And so it goes.  It changes every day or two.