Thursday, May 10, 2018

Observation of Minnesota

We have been in Minnesota for nearly two weeks and I have several observations.

1.  Lots of Buicks.  Not many Prius's. 

2.  Never buy a used car from Minnesota.  Rust comes with age. 

3.  Farming is king.  It is pleasant driving in the country checking out the scattered farms. 

4.  Black dirt.  Rich dark fertile loam.

5.  In the summer, fields and fields of corn and soybeans.

6.  Springtime is really pleasant.  Cool temperatures.  Newly green leaves.  Blooming tulips and           daffodils.  No bugs.  No humidity.

7.  Thunder storms are possible.  We have almost no thunder in Oregon.

8.   Friendly folks. 

9.   Shopping is the same everywhere.  There are some uniquely Midwestern stores.  But shopping here is pretty much the same as anywhere else.