Monday, May 21, 2018

Country trip

On our drive back from Fairmont to Mankato today we enjoyed the views.  The newly planted corn is just coming up.  The three April snowstorms delayed the crops by more than a month.  Look hard and you will see tiny green shoots.  That's corn !

Alittle further on the trip,
we made a stop at a county park along the Red Jacket trail which is bicycle trail that travels for over 30 miles.  The underside of the Red Jacket Bridge is peppered with Barn Swallow nests.  Driving to another area of the park which is on the Le Sueur River, we were attracted to a flurry of activity.  Hundreds of Swallows were flying back and forth from the river's edge to the underside of the nearby bridge with bits of mud to build their mud nests in seemingly impossible building sites.  It was fun to see.

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