Thursday, May 17, 2018

Day Trip

   Saturday we took a day trip.  By "we" I mean 9 humans and 3 dogs.  We were staying with Randa's sister, Kris and it was decided that we were going to see the Eagle Center in Wabasha, Mn on Saturday.  So we all piled in a 12 passenger Chevy van ( all 12 of us) and drove for almost 3 hours north and east.  Wabasha is located on the Mississippi River just below Lake Pepin.  Because the river is fairly narrow ( by Mississippi standards) and the Chippewa River joins it there, the river does not freeze over in the winter.  This makes it a haven for Eagles and other birds in the winter and year round.

This is one of the Eagles that are at the Eagle Center.  Her right wing is damaged so she is unable to fly and to hunt.  So her job now is to help educate us humans about these wonderful birds.

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