Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Zoo

Went to the Washington Park Zoo last week.  It is the first time we have been in over 10 years.  I really do not remember much from our previous visit, so I cannot compare.  But I remember going to the Sibley Prk zoo in Mankato when I was a kid.  Lions and Tigers and Monkeys in small steel barred cages.  I remember feeling sorry for the animals.  It was not enjoyable.
   The 4 hours we spent at the Portland zoo was fun.  The enclosures were relatively large and had lots of rocks the trees and water etc. to give the residents more challenges.
   I enjoyed seeing the California Condor.  We met someone who watched one fly over Grand Canyon, but have not been lucky enough.
The Hippos were close by because a keeper was throwing apple chunks into their pond.  Imagine being his dentist !

The one impression that stuck with me is the amount of walking needed to view all of the exhibits.  Paths wound around and threw trees and shrubs to take you to the various compounds.  School had not started so there were lots of children walking and being wheeled in strollers the size of Smart cars 

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