Tuesday, August 29, 2017


   Home is good.  Home means calmness.  It means security.  It means work!  One project checked off the list was thinning the tree population along our back fence.  Fifteen years ago the owner thought it would be a good idea to plant lots of trees along the back fence for privacy.  Not a bad idea until the tree grow large.  If the yard was big enough it would be less of a problem.  Our backyard is not.  So the trees grew close together and did not allow much sunlight to hit the ground.  The area between the patio and the fence is mostly moss and tree roots.
   We started to address the situation by removing several trees, in front, and along either side.  Some were right up against the house.  Not good.  Last week we tackled the ones on the back fence.  A fir and a pine.  Both had split trunks.  The tree guy called them co-dependent.  Again, not good.  So we had them removed.  It was fascinating to watch.  One guy up in the tree cutting and the other hauling branches to the wood chipper parked out on the street.  A couple of hours and the trees were gone and the mess cleaned up.

After I had erected the trellis that I built and planted the Star Jasmine.  Some day it will grow up to be a visual barrier.

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