Tuesday, August 29, 2017


We have been home for over a month.  We left South Lake Tahoe at a little after 8am on Monday July 17.  We were ready to be on the road.  The trip up north was long but uneventful and we pulled in front of the house at 9pm.    A very long day.  My phone told me 650 miles.  Under normal conditions we would not drive that far, but we knew the route and our place was waiting for us.  After running an extension cord to the trailer, we grabbed a few items and went in to see if the place still looked the same.  Thanks to several friends keeping track of mail, watering, etc, it did.  The Boys were excited to be home as well.  Hunter literally bounced up and down the hallway.  We all agreed that it was great hitting the hay back in Canby.
    The next several days were spent unloading the rig.  The big slide was opened while we were still parked on the street.  The other two can be opened while the trailer is parked in its spot beside the house.  We were both tired from the intense schedule at Tallac.  The situation arose from the fact that there were too many programs and too few volunteers.  The number of programs was increased with the idea that more volunteers were coming, however several backed out at the last minute leaving us short-handed.  The logical thing to do would have been to cut the number of programs, but that was not done so we volunteers bore the extra load.  The end result was that we were burned put at the end of our stay.
     As usual, the Lake Tahoe Basin gets high marks for its beauty and activities.  But with that comes LOTS of visitors and the crowded streets and highways that goes with that.  We just learned that after Memorial Day you do not try to drive anywhere in the middle of the day.
   Anyway we are home and trying to keep up with the projects that keep popping up.

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