Thursday, April 20, 2017


ORPI is in our rear view mirror.  Over-all it was a great experience.  Great weather, new friends, the desert bloom was fabulous, work was easy.  The only blemish (not being able to do programs) is behind us now.  Whether we return depends on new administrations.  Time will tell.
    Right now the trailer is in the shop getting a few electrical blips taken care of.  It should be done in a day or two.  Then we will drive to Arizona City to visit friends for a few days before heading north.  We have reservations at Dead Horse Ranch State park near Cottonwood for Mon-Wed nights.  That will give us time to visit the area Tuzigoot,NM, Jerome, Prescott, and who knows what,  Also the Campbells live in nearby Wilhoit.  :)
   Another reason to head north is temperature.  The weather is warming up. Normally, the temp does break 100 until June, but the weather people predict 100 on Sunday.  That sounds awful, but the heat is so different here.  As soon as you get in the shade or the sun goes down, it is cooler.  It got to 92 here yesterday, yet this morning when I walked with the boys, it was 57.  It was so pleasant on my nightly walk last night in shorts and t-shirt.  I will miss the sun ans warmth.  Tahoe still has snow piled here and there and snow showers are not uncommon.

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