Monday, April 24, 2017

Heading North

   We have spent 3 nights in Arizona City.  It ain't much.  But friends of 46 years have a place here so we stopped to say hi.  However, we acquired a stomach virus somewhere and spent Friday night and all of Saturday staying very close to the bathroom.  It was not a pleasant experience.  I was thinking that an army would not need to kill their opponents, just give them a stomach virus and they would surrender.
   Today we travel north on I-17 to the Cottonwood area.  We have reservations at Dead Horse State Park.  We plan to explore the area which includes Tozigoot Nat Mon, and the town of Jerome,
Sedona is just north so we may check that out as well.  We haven't been there for about 5 years so it will be fun to explore it again.  When we leave we will drive up the Oak Creek Canyon (Hwy 89A).  The last time we were in this area there had been a flash flood and branches and debris were everywhere.  It is a great route.
  Time for breakfast and then pack up.  We are not getting a real early start because we have to drive right through Phoenix so are waiting for traffic to die down.  We will see how successful we are.

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