Sunday, April 2, 2017

End of the Season

Sunday April 2nd.

   As spring gets going and the weather warms up, the busy season at ORPI fades.  As of April 1st the programs cease.   No more van tours, no evening programs, no patio talks, no hikes.  The seasonal rangers are getting ready to move on, but many are staying until April 15th so I would think that the park could down-size the program schedule but the total slash method is what the management has decided on.  Actually the weather is perfect.  This week is going to be in the high 70's and low 80's with cool nights.  The weather back home is still rainy and cold.  This is a better place to be.
   The end of programs means that the volunteers are not needed.  The volunteer campground has almost totally emptied.  Jim & Sue from Maine left last week. Marilyn headed back to Michigan yesterday morning.  Dorner pulled out later heading for her home in Georgia.  By mid-morning, Steve and Melody started back to Indiana.
    Today Dennis and Anne aimed their motor home toward Utah. Tomorrow out next door neighbors, will leave us alone.  It's going to be lonely.  No more group dog walks at 5:30.  No more moonlight walks looking for scorpions.  No more Friday suppers together.
    We signed up to stay until the middle of April.  Our last work day will be April 13.  What comes after that is still up in the air.  Stay tuned.......


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