Sunday, December 11, 2016


It's winter  We have been reminded of it the last week.  We had days in the 30's and several nights below freezing.  Wednesday evening R and I braved the wind and cold with friends to attend a play at the local high school.  "Miracle at 34th Street".  It was great.  I have enjoyed all of the movie versions of the story and hoped the play would be alright.  It was more than that.  The students did a terrific job.  It was great fun.
That night was the precursor of the weather to come.  Weather people on TV were doing their usual dance hyping up the storm, so when all the schools in the area decided to close for Thursday I "poo-Pooed" it, especially when Thursday morning was calm and dry and maybe even a bit of sun..  However, I was wrong.  By noon the clouds were thick, the wind had come up and the sprinkles had started. Only the sprinkles were flakes.  I had an outside chore that afternoon and as I worked the flakes continued and increased until the ground was covered with a white sheet.  By late afternoon the pretty white was changed when the flakes turned to raindrops.  The raindrops increased until most of the white was gone.  It was fun while it lasted.

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