Friday, December 30, 2016

We are still in Oregon

Under normal conditions we would be somewhere never Reno by now.  Not this year.  The stars have not aligned yet.  It would seem that they do not want us on the road just yet.  Several roadblocks have been put up to delay us,

1.  R has had trouble with her knee rehabilitation.  The surgery went well.  The bones and area are healing nicely.  The tendons, not so much.  They have been very resistant to change.  R has been working very hard at home and at physical therapy to get them to stretch.  At the 6 week check-up the doctor listened to her, checked her and said, "You have too much scar tissue (adhesions).  We are going to have to force the knee, "  I grimaced.  R did too.  Yesterday at a day surgery center, R was given another nerve block and the Dr. manually bent her knee to 100-120 degrees.  (He showed me a cell photo.)   Bottom line; she back on the chaise, back on meds for pain, waiting for the CPM (Constant Passive Motion) to arrive this afternoon, starting the healing process again.

2.  The trailer is not ready.  A while back after looking at many new trailers, we decided to keep our current home on wheels.  It has everything we need and feels like home.  But we thought it was time to replace the carpeting and vinyl.  Replacement is a much bigger chore ( think installation cost) in an RV than in a home.  (Think tight spaces, slides)  I checked with the carpet place and am hoping that he will finish it before New Years.  It will be therapeutic to reload our furniture and personal items back into our second home.   It will be great to get them out of the garage!

3.  The truck is ready, sort of.  Once in a while, the starter makes a noise when starting the truck.  I have it a the shop but , of course, it has not demonstrated this noise there.  So do I just replace the starter?  

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