Saturday, March 19, 2016


Yesterday was an interesting day.  Lots of visitors.  It's still spring break.  We have been slammed, especially in the afternoon.  Yesterday was no exception.  The difference was the weather.  It has been a pleasant spring break weatherwise.  The forecast said 60% chance of rain, but as I stood in the dining room yesterday, I know we were in for an exciting afternoon.  Dark clouds to the north and west.  Lightning too.  The house was full of people.  The crew in hanger, our rangers in charge, warned us on the radio that thunderstorms with lightning, were approaching from the west.
   Everything stopped.  The tours stopped.  We listened to the radio for advice on what to do with our visitors.  For a while I tried to resume my talk about the dining room, but the radio chatter continued and even increased.  Finally, the announcement came across our radios that the storm looked big and visitors had the option of hurrying to their cars or retreating to the hanger and waiting the storm out.  I think everyone ran through the rain to their cars.
     R and I did the same and we hurried back to the trailer.  The boys had been indoors all day long so I took them for a quick, wet, short walk.  Luckily they both took care of business quickly and we scurried for the trailer.  Then, it began to Really rain!  Crashing thunder, brilliant lightning.  Very exciting!  Then - the sound of hail.  Oh, oh.  I made the decision and put on my parka and ran to the truck and moved it to the nearby open hanger.  I pulled the truck in and waited.  The hail subsided. ( other areas nearby had hail the size of a dime.)  The rain, however intensified.  Harder, then harder.
I have never seen rain this hard.  The tin roof of the hanger magnified the noise.  I stood on the running board of the truck and watched in awe and counted the seconds after the flashes.  Wow!

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