Wednesday, March 2, 2016


   Went to Austin yesterday.  Went to see the LBJ Library.  Located on the campus of University of Texas.  Nice location next to Texas Stadium.   Pretty impressive building.
    Three floors of displays.  Five floors of archives.  Four hours were not enough.

 When we were ready to leave.  The truck would not start.  Just clicking when the key was turned.  Rats!!  I looked for jump starts on my phone.  Several miles away.  I decided to walk back to the library to see if they knew of some place nearer.  On the way there I saw two guys getting out of the University van so I asked them.  They gave me the number of the campus security.  Security provides assistance to cars parked in the University parking lots.  Five minutes later a white university vehicle shows up the gal pulls out a jump-start unit and bingo the truck started.  We were more than pleased.  Definitely, a Good Thing !   Found a nearby Interstate Battery store and drove home with two new truck batteries.

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