Thursday, March 24, 2016


    Last night we went to Albert for what has become a weekly outing.  18 of us in all, both NPS employees and volunteers.  Food, music, and lots of conversation.  We all have been together long enough to feel comfortable with each other and the weather has mellowed enough to be outdoors in the evening without being too uncomfortable.  A good time was enjoyed by all.
    The moon was coming up as I walked the boys last night.  A warm wind was blowing from the south.  The boys were happy to be out in the dark, smelling and listening to the night.  However, at 12:30 we were awakened by lots of flashing lightning and rolling and crashing thunder.  As the storm rolled in from the west, passed overhead and moved to the east, the light show was almost continuous.  It was wonderful.
    Living in western Oregon, we get to experience rain.  Lots of rain.  But the thunder storms.  I miss the thunder storms that I remember from living in Minnesota.

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