Thursday, December 18, 2014

Nine days and counting

    So when do I pull the trailer out of the spot along side our garage and onto the street where I can totally open it up?  It sounds like rain is going to be with us for the next several days so waiting for a dry day is out of the question.   Living in Oregon it's not like we haven't been in rainy conditions before.
    Clothes can start being packed as well as equipment.  Food is a different matter.  Freezer stuff yes.  Staples sort of.  Milk, butter, bread etc. not until the day.  We have started to stage some items in a certain place in the garage and in the closet to help us. 

In the loading process there are several rules of travel that will happen, 
     1  There still will be last minute packing on the morning of...
     2   Some "important" item or items will be left behind.
     3   Several items taken will never be needed or or even touched during our entire summer.
     4   One or two new items will be added to the mix during our travels either as replacements for    ones broken or as something we previously didn't know that we needed.


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