Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Dog

"A Dog or not a dog, that is the question".  Actually, it is another dog or not another dog.  We already have Mollie, but do we get another and if so, what should we get?

  1.  First of all, rescue only.  NO breeder dogs, there are too many others out there that need homes.
  2.  What breed.
         Mollie is a Doxie.  We know what to expect with them. 
                   Stubborn,  existin bad habits may exist and a challenge to correct, loving, small and easy to carry, good lap dogs, short hair, little sheddin, small piles in the yard.
         Greyhound - Had one before, Winnie.  Wonderful dog. loving, tender, easy to pet ( did not have to bend over)  large dog so more space required, some training needed if adopting a ex-racer, big piles.

         Mutt  from the Pound. Unknown breed (you get what is available)(mixed), unknown background,  various sizes available.  Plenty of love and affection.  Some training needed no doubt. More piles.

3  When to adopt
        It would be unfair to bring a new menber into the family and into our home and then hit the road in a week or two so we have decided to wait a while. 
        Either in April when we will be home for a month, or in October when we get back from Burns for the rest of the year.
  It would be better to wait until then but I don't think I can wait that long.

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