Monday, December 15, 2014

Getting ready to get ready

It's Monday Dec 15, 2014 

    Ten days until Christmas, eleven until the rig heads south.  Wow!  It does not feel all that long ago that we parked the trailer in the driveway after being at Fort Vancouver for August and September.  It is not raining and actually some sun is showing so I will pull out the bedroom slide and start checking items that go in the closet and under the bed.  Because we are only staying at ORPI for 3 months and then coming home for the month of April, I don't need as much warm weather clothing onboard. We plan to park the trailer in the Reno area after ORPI and come back to Canby for about a month and then pick up the trailer and drive uphill to Lake Tahoe.  Our stint there begins about May  11th so we will arrive the weekend before.
  Anyway, the call is,  " Let the packing begin".

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