Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday Night 5/31/14

   Last day of our third week.  Wow, have we gotten a lot done!  Today we have started being open 7 days a week.  I conducted two tours of the Pope House today.  I had 10 visitors on my first tour and 5 on the second.  I was a bit nervous on the first tour, but I think I am pretty much back up to snuff.  I remembered most of the facts and figures and my first day tours are behind me.  I will have the same situation when I conduct the servant tours, but the first one is not until June 27th.
    The weather has been sunny, but the temperature is not warming up much.  Night-time temps have been in the middle 30's, so nights are nippy.  It still is hard to believe that a week ago it looked like this.

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