Thursday, May 8, 2014

Heading West

It's 6:15.  Mollie and I just got back from our morning walk.  She's had her breakfast and is napping under a blanket in her bed.  Life is good.

I am sitting at the table watching the sunlight fill up this valley.  Nippy this morning.  My thermometer shows 33 degrees. The  high will be 65.  Quite a change from ORPI but we need to get used to the cooler temps because the elevation of Tahoe makes for cool days and even cooler nights most of the year.

We load up this morning and head down 93 to Crystal Springs, get on 375, the so called Extra Terrestial Hwy through Rachel, then pick up 6 into Tonopah.  Fuel up at Giggle Springs Station in there, get on 95 and end up in Hawthorne, NV this afternoon.  300 miles of almost nothing.  I will, of course, be on the lookout for UFOs and if you never hear from us again, you will know why.

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