Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday Night 5/31/14

   Last day of our third week.  Wow, have we gotten a lot done!  Today we have started being open 7 days a week.  I conducted two tours of the Pope House today.  I had 10 visitors on my first tour and 5 on the second.  I was a bit nervous on the first tour, but I think I am pretty much back up to snuff.  I remembered most of the facts and figures and my first day tours are behind me.  I will have the same situation when I conduct the servant tours, but the first one is not until June 27th.
    The weather has been sunny, but the temperature is not warming up much.  Night-time temps have been in the middle 30's, so nights are nippy.  It still is hard to believe that a week ago it looked like this.

Lamb's Ears

These blooms are popping up all over the woods.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday May 16, 2014

   One week has passed since we left Fallon.  Our trip from there to here has stopped only by a visit to the Costco at the bottom of the hill, right before Hwy 50 climbs up to the lake.  We arrived at our spot about 1:30 and by supper time we were set up except for aiming the dish, which I did on Saturday right before the snow started.  It snowed for a couple of hours but it did not stop the potluck get together at 4:00 pm, it moved it indoors.  There is a single wide mobile home nearby that serves as the volunteer laundry, storage, and meeting place.  The social interaction here is what makes this place special.
   Monday morning found all of us in the Baldwin Museum for our first meeting.  Lots of hugs and smiles and stories later, we found out about the upcoming season.  Memorial Day is coming soon so we all got to work.
   This facility is totally closed down during the winter so every one of the two dozen plus structures need to be uncovered, cleaned, and set-up for the visiting public.  A big chore, but with many hands, it goes relatively quickly.  Every window has a cover over it that has been removed and stored.  The ones needing repairs or painting have been taken to the maintenance shop
   On Wednesday we begin our four day schedule with Wed - Sat our work days and Sun - Tues, our days off.  Lots to do next week before the Memorial Week-end.  All or most of the buildings will be ready by then, I hope.

After work every day, Mollie and I take a walk. It usually ends up at Taylor Creek which runs down from Fallen Leaf Lake to Lake Tahoe just a few hundred feet west of our campground. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Caliente to Fallon

Mollie got me up early, so after our walk and her breakfast, I checked email.  I found out that Bob was online, so I had a nice chat with him via Skype.  Skype is a great tool.  I wish my kids could use it so we could keep in touch better.

We left the campground before 9am, traveled through Caliente and was slowly climbing the pass west of town on Hay 93 when I thought of our airbed.  We had not deflated it prior to leaving this morning!  Altitude changes affect the bladders in the airbed and to prevent a split seam (which is what happened the last time we left ORPI and drove to Williams (1600ft. to 7000ft.).  So we pulled off the road, and tried to figure out how to deflate the mattress, which requires electric power to run the pump.  I finally ended up starting the generator and, using an extension cord, was able to deflate the bladders.  A half hour wasted.  Back on the road.
Our trip across the Extra Terresterial Highway went well.  We saw no evidence of aliens,which just could mean that the cloaking shields were working well.  About 10 miles from the junction of Hwy 375 (the ET Hwy) and US 6 we came upon a older Class C motorhome at the edge of the road. Two people were pouring gas into the tank from a 2 gal can.  There was no place to pull over so we went past, but I was concerned because 2 gal was not going to be enough gas to get the 54 miles to Tonopah.  When we got to the junction, we pulled over and had lunch.

About 15 minutes later the rv arrived at the junction, turned, and pulled in behind us.  Three young men got out and came over to talk to us. There were four guys and a gal from New Zealand traveling together in the camper.  I would have loved to have had time to hear their story.   They weren't out of gas but were below a quarter tank.  I told them that Tonopah was 47 miles from there and we all were a bit concerned.  I told them to head out and see if they could make it.  If not I would pick them up on the way.  So they did

We finished our lunch, walked Mollie, and headed out.  We came up on the camper quite quickly as they were driving slowly to conserve fuel, I guessed.  We followed them at 35 - 50 mph for the next 25-30 miles, but they made it and pulled into the first station they came upon in Tonopah.  We honked and waved as we passed by. 

  The rest of the trip was uneventful, which is not bad.  Arrived in Fallon at 5:30, fueled and found an RV park just west of town.  It is 70 miles to South Lake Tahoe so we should arrive there nice and early.  We will hit Costco before we travel "up the hill" on Hwy 50 to the lake.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Heading West

It's 6:15.  Mollie and I just got back from our morning walk.  She's had her breakfast and is napping under a blanket in her bed.  Life is good.

I am sitting at the table watching the sunlight fill up this valley.  Nippy this morning.  My thermometer shows 33 degrees. The  high will be 65.  Quite a change from ORPI but we need to get used to the cooler temps because the elevation of Tahoe makes for cool days and even cooler nights most of the year.

We load up this morning and head down 93 to Crystal Springs, get on 375, the so called Extra Terrestial Hwy through Rachel, then pick up 6 into Tonopah.  Fuel up at Giggle Springs Station in there, get on 95 and end up in Hawthorne, NV this afternoon.  300 miles of almost nothing.  I will, of course, be on the lookout for UFOs and if you never hear from us again, you will know why.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Eastern Nevada Flora and Fuana

Cathedral Gorge State Park

Eastern Nevada between Pioche and Caliente. A lowly populated ranching area.   Relatively small park, 1600 acres.  One of the first four Nevada State Parks. Very neat and tidy.  Picnic ground, group area, and well laid out campground that offers every site the option of electricity.

Several hiking trails take you out into the eroded landscape that is the remnants of an ancient lakebed.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Sunday, we spent the day as tourists in Zion National Park.  This place should definitely not be missed..  The beauty and vastness takes your breath away!  The main valley is serviced by shuttle buses which keep the traffic to a minimum in that area.  The shuttles run often and stop often so you can get off many times during your visit to the Virgin Valley.  The hiking oportunities are awesome!  My feet were inching to be hikin'.   The town of Springdale is located adjacent to the main entrance to the park.  In fact, there are free shuttle busses that run to and from Springdale so that you can leave your vehicle at the hotel and enjoy the park's beauty. 

  In addtion to windows the shuttle busses have sunroofs that are open on summer days because much of the beauty is above you.


A Bucket List place

A place to hike.   A place to take photos.
A place to comtemplate what God has created. 

Monday, May 5, 2014


Along the Virgin River in Zion National Park