Friday, February 14, 2014

Twin Peaks

Yesteday Lee, a fellow volunteer, and I did some exploration and climbing on Twin Peaks which is just behind the residential area where the volunteer campground is located.  We started about 9:30 and headed west to a low saddle that is just south of the peaks.  That was the only easy part.  The rest was steep semi-hairy.  We followed someone else's directions and ended up atop a mesa with a canyon between us and the actual mountain.  We had to do some vertical climbing to get to there and we could not find an easy way down so had to down climb to descend from there.  By then we had decided that we had gone UP far enough and it was time to go DOWN. 
   Downclimbing is more difficult than ascending so it took us a couple of hours to pick our way slowly and safely down the mountain.  But we did get down and back to the trailer by 2:45.  Safe, sound, and tired.  My leg muscles are feeling it today, but it is a good feeling.

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