Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Middle of the Night

(written early Friday morning)

   I have awaken in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.  It is the middle but I have no way of knowing it was Midnight or 3am.  I got up and used the bathroom as much for something to do as something that needed to be done.
    I peeked out the window.  No light it the east told me that dawn was not yet close by.  But it was not dark.  The nearly full moon was taking care of that.  The night, if not dark, was absolutely quiet.   A distant bird sound.  Or maybe it was a coyote.  No traffic on the distant highway.  The only other sound was the sleeping form on the other side of my bed, making in & out sounds in somewhat of a rhythm. 
    I returned to bed and thought about the day past.  We had jouneyed to the Big City.  Lots of buildings, cars, and people and yet, we were alone.  It was not a totally unfamiliar city, but it was not our city.  All in all, it was a pleasant day, but iit was good to get back here and be among friends.  New friends, but still friends that value things that are important to me.

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