Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jan 31

Yesterday was my birthday.  How can I be this old?  Where did the time go?  Hmm....

   It was a good day.  Many cards. A party after the evening program.  We had seen it before but we went to support the presenter.  It has become a tradition to get together with some of the other volunteers in the Sarona building afterwards for cookies or ice cream or ? and conversation.  Lots of stories, lots of laughter, lots of fun.
    Tonight's program will be my first time giving my Desert Tortoise program in two years.  I have the "first time" nerves, but it will be ok.  The problems are usually equipment related.  I have a Power Point program with three videos in it and they are the challenge.  If they don't run, I will just move along without them. 


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