Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday Jan 7,2014

What a great day!  The three couples who are the interp (interpretive) volunteers took the van and did the AMD (Ajo Mountain Drive).  The purpose was to familiarize, or in our case, refamiliarize ourselves with the flora, fuana, and just generally, the area so that when we start leading AMD trips we will be prepared.  The van tours and other programs start next week and I am excited to be "getting underway".  Our first evening program is scheduled for Friday Jan. 24th.  We will be ready, more of less.  :)
   Getting back to our day, the six of us jumped in the van and headed up the AMD.  The schedule had us leaving at 9 and returning in time for lunch.  Well, we got back to the VC about 3pm!  We were busy talking and learning from each other.  We took a couple of short hikes; a mile or so up Arch Canyon, ( made me want to return and go further) and a half mile up the Bull Meadow trail.  The weather cooperated and gave us sun and temps in the 60's. 
   We learned so much more from the conversation and interaction than we would have ever learned reading a book about this desert.  Tomorrow the group goes on a field trip to Bates Well and Alamo Canyon.  I will not forget my camera this time.


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