Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Days Off

                                                      Wednesday Jan 15, 2014

   Today is Wednesday, our second day off.  Days off are fun.  It is beautiful, sunny and bright the wind of the last two days has moved on.  Yesterday, R and fellow volunteer, Vickie, went into shopping in Ajo.  Tuesday is not a good day to shop at Olsen's Grocery store.  There were no bananas or oranges. New shipments must come in on Tuesday night. 
   Below is a mural that is on the outside wall of the bakery.  "Night of the Lepus" is one of teh four movies that were filmed in Ajo.  All four are available for checkout in the Ajo library.  The mural is better than the movie.
   I stayed home and Jeff and I put up little white lights on the patio of the volunteer house. Now it looks festive in the evenings.  We will have them lit when we have our weekly get togther.  Everyone is invited to come and share their mealtime with each other.  A time to come together. 

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