Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Do it Yourself Trailer

   On Monday my job was to "Rove" in the campground and put up the new weekly schedule on the seven bulletin boards.  While doing that I had the opportunity to visit with many of the folks who were camping with us.  Many of them were first timers who had planned to stay for a day or two and had ended up stayed amny additional days because of the serenity and beauty of the area.  The others I visited with have been coming here for many years and love this place.
   During my rove I met a couple from Port Townsend, Wa. who have retired and live, pretty simply.  The husband made their trailer.  The frame was custom made and he built the cabin from Western Red Cedar.  It was beautiful and well-made.  My photos do not do it justice, especially my blurry one, but I wanted you to see the interior.  It does have electric lights,  a sink, storage under the bed, a spot for the porta potti. and a shelf for the portable stove, if they decide to cook indoors.
   Nice people, nice conversations are the essence and rewards of roving.


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