Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Morning

   It's after 9am and I am sitting here at the Visitor Center awaiting for someone to come through the front door so I can say "Good Morning, Welcome to Fort Vancouver".  The weather is good.  Better than the predictions, which said that it would be rainy the whole week.  They were wrong, or course.  It misted for while yesterday and, as I look out the window to south right now, I see the clouds moving off to the east and lots of blue sky to the west.
   Yesterday was the first day back in the pool after a too long, hiatus.  I felt a little stiffness in my leg last night, but it was good to be "at it" again.  Walking is good exercise, but it is not enough.  The Marshall Center here in Vancouver is a very nice facility with many activities for all ages.
   Both of us are looking forward to tomorrow when we will go into our "new" house.  Purchasing a home is an interesting event.  You spend a vast amount of time, effort, and money to buy something that you have only seen or been into for a brief period of time.  Then, after you decide to buy it, you have to wait a month or two to get to see it again.  We were good to the sellers and allowed them to rent the place for 45 days while they did the same thing in a new area.
   The end result is that after moving all of our beongings into storage in April and May, closing the sale of our house in June 14, closing the purchase of the house in Canby on July 31, we are actually going to get "possesion" of home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!    I wanted to go tonight, but R said that it would be better to go tomorrow and check everything out, see what painting we want to do, what changes we want to make, etc.   More on that coming up.

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