Thursday, September 5, 2013

Starting our volunteer stint at FV

Today we get our keys, not to the city, but to the front door of the Visitor Center.  It's not a big deal, but at Fort Vancouver (from now on noted as FV) it will be significant.  Government units do not make quick decisions or move with any swiftness.  There are meetings and policies that need to be reviewed and followed.  We arrived Monday and here it is Thursday and we are just now getting access to the front door.  We will get another key on Monday when we move our RV into the official parking space onsite. 

Jantzen Beach RV Park is our home until then.  It is a temporary/ permanent home for 150 RVs and at least that many mobile homes.  JBRV is a residential island in the sea of shopping centers and warehouses that crowd Hayden Island on the west side of I-5.  We are literally within walking distance of Target, Home Depot, Safeway and at least one mattress store, although with the number of mattress stores, everyone is within walking distance of one of those.

Itis a good thing that we are volunteering at FV for they are low on staff members.  With tightening budgets, short staffing is always a problem in all the parks right now.  in addtion to the normal fall reduction of staff, FV has recently had two full time rangers move on to other "civilian" duties.  Rehiring will be slow ( see note above), so everyone has to double or triple up on duties.  It works, or it seems to work, but not without glitches.  Hopefully, we will help prevent some of the glitches.

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