Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Morning Walk

It is Sunday morning before 8am when normal people are still in bed.  But that is not in the cards for me.  Mollie thinks that it is time to go for a walk, more truthfully to go somewhere and empty for bladder.  Besides, there are many squirrels out there to see and smell.
   The ground is wet.  The fog has seen to that.  It fact it has created a heavy mist that is slowing drifting down from above.  The airport is open for I can hear the whine of large jet engines as 200 people crammed into an aluminum cylinder are hurled through the fog searching for clear air and a smooth journey to.......
   Mollie finds her spot or spots.  She gets excited about several creatures, real or imagined, and we complete our circuit for this morning.  The walk routes are never the same.  Sometmes they are long, sometimes shorter depending on my mood and the weather.  But there are always walks, always another adventure for the two of us.  

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