Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Fourth

Yesterday was a busy one.  After our Wednesday meeting, we all scattered in a hundred directions with our tasks in mind.  I spent most of the day at the Pope house.  Bob and I did a cursory cleaning of the inside and swept the front porch. Midmorning I changed into my tour-guide outfit and then we went outside and started talking to visitors.  We get a lot to our tour folks from the direct contact with visitors strolling by the house.
   Two afternoon tours were scheduled for the holiday.  Both were full.  I lead them and Bob was my sweeper.  The sweeper has many jobs.  He helps to keep the group together, answers anyh questions that the leader forgets,  locks the door behind the group, keeps an eye on things.  Not all tours have a sweeper but it is good when you do.  R is doing two tours this afternoon.   I will try to assist her in her tours if I have the opportunity.

1 comment:

Rorik said...

We want pictures of you and R in your tour outfits. Sounds like a good time!!!