Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back in Eugene

Sorry for being absent.  Things got very busy at the end of our stay at Tallac.  But we are home now.  At least for two weeks.  It will be a busy time here too.  I could spend the whole time on the yard, but I won't.  R and I worked on it today, cutting back the wisteria on the arbor, cutting back the grape vines on the gazebo, trimming back the ivy and bushes along the back fence, trimming the branches on the Maples out front.  Do you detect a theme here?  I will take a load of brush to the recycler when I'm done cutting.  It's why I would rather stay out there.
   One of the sprinkler heads needed to be repaired.  The bedroom slide motor is acting "funny" so I will need to take the trailer in next Monday.  Put that with an appointment with our financial advisor and with R do to qualify for social security in November, it is time to see an agent to get her signed up for supplemental insurance.  So you see, the time will go very fast.

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