Monday, June 4, 2012


  I saw an advertisement for the other day and it got me to thinking.  I wonder about the average age of the customers using this service.  I bet it is older folks rather than younger ones.  It seems that young people do not have an interest in their ancestors. 

   I know that my children could care less about their heritage.  I doubt that they could tell me anything about their ancestors; what their grandfathers occupations were, or where their parents were born or grew up, much less where their grandparents.   It is not an important part of their lives.  I guess part of that is my fault for not telling them enough stories and not living closer to family all these years.

     Both my wife and I come from the Midwest.  There are sisters and brothers and cousins that live and work back there, but contacts with them are maintained by us.  The contact and communication ties  to that area and the relatives that live there will die when we do.   It is a sad commentary on our society today.   In this day of instant messaging and tweeting and such, the old values are fading away.

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