Saturday, February 11, 2012

Shindig in Ajo

Today was the Sonoran Shindig in Ajo. So of course, we had to check it out. I suppose it happened last year too, but we worked Friday, Sat, Sun and Monday so we did not get to enjoy week-end events. This year we have Thur, Fri, Sat off so into town we went. The lupines were bright and purple and lining the highway along the way. The bright blue sky was a nice contrast to the varied green of the cacti and palo verde trees
There was the usual stop at the Border Patrol check point just outside of the park boundary. "Where are you coming from? Are you US citizens? Have a nice day. "
A short stop in Why to check a yard sale. Two more paperbacks for R.
On to the big city. The event was being held in the town square. Booths selling jewelry, photos, pottery. Informational booths from ORPI, Cabesa Prieta Wildlife Refuge, Barry Goldwater Bombing Range, USAF, Border Patrol. And of course the much needed food booths, burros (burritos), Indian fry bread, tacos, curley fries, Kettle corn. A typical small town event with a SW flair.
Then it was run a couple of errands, get groceries and head back home. A good time, good food, great weather (probably nearly 80), shorts and t-shirt weather, friendly people.
Tomorrow, our week begins again. R and I are excited because we give our first program together. It is on the Turkey and Black vulture. We did not want to do the "normal, This the vulture. This is how it looks. This is how it flies, blah, blah, blah. We are doing it in costume. Tell you about it after tomorrow.

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