Friday, February 3, 2012

A Day in Ajo

Today we decided to hit the big city. Well, Ajo, anyway. I needed a haircut. In fact, I have needed one for several weeks so that was our first stop.
Then we drove down the main drag which is Hwy 85, stopped for fuel ( $3.89 for diesel). As we drove by it we noticed an interesting "open" sign in front of a place we had never noticed before. It turned out to be an art studio in which the artist uses recycled materials, spoons, shovels, bedsprings, hubcaps, etc. It was fun to walk around and see figures and forms mades from throw-away materials.
We also found out that there was an art event happening in town today and tomorrow. There were booths in front of several shops along the hwy. In addition, several studios were open for tours. Having absolutely no art talent myself, it is amazing to see what others can produce. Fastinating.
Lunch time found us at the local Assembly of God church for a Taco Dinner.
Homemade rice, refried beans, and three tacos for $6. Good food at a good price. The more shopping. No new art to bring home, however. A good thing about being in a trailer.

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