Thursday, February 2, 2012

Quartzsite at Last Jan 7th

We are parked and enjoying the desert at Quartzsite.
First night at Anderson.
Second night at Anderson because of the slide problem.
Third night in Bakersfield.
Fourth night in our spot here on the Mojave.
We have a great spot, with several Ironwood trees around us and a big Saguaro outside our kitchen window.
The nights are spectacular! I had forgotten about the stars. Living in Eugene, your chance at seeing the sky in the winter is poor. Add to that all the ambient light from the city and even on clear nights, the darkness is limited. Not here!

Orion is overhead. There’s Sirius. The moon is a fingernail sliver with Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in a line. ( I have Google Sky to help me.)

Our trailer is parked in a great spot with several Saguaros and Ironwood Trees.

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