Thursday, October 6, 2011

First week back

   The first week back in our home has been an adjustment period;  adjusting to a bigger space, adjusting to a new routine, figuring out where to store the items that have been unloaded from the truck and trailer. The trailer has not been totally unloaded.  Only the items that needed to be washed or were going to be used in the house, were taken out so much of the clothing ( especially summer items ) were left on board.   Foodstuffs are crowding the kitchern cabinets, and the refrigerator and freezer, but time will take care of that situation.
   The extra square footage of space that the house has over the trailer is nice, but there are rooms that I have not even gone in yet.  Do I actually need to a house this big?  My wife would disagee, but I could live in a smaller place.  It all depends on the layout.  Our house new has a small family room and kitchen together, which we used constantly, and a good sized living room with a dining room on the end that we use only if we have company.  Those two rooms could be lopped off the house and we wouldn't miss them except as place to store some furniture. 
   The other part of being back is the "home work" that is needed.  A home always needs work.  Call it painting a bedroom.  Call it fixing dripping faucets.  Call it yardwork.  The yard is what was calling to me (actually Yelling is more like it ) when we got home.  We have a yard service that mows an d edges the grass for us, but that's it.  The bushes and trees went wild while we were gone.  The grape arbor was totally hidden.  The arbor in the center of the back yard was fully covered by Wisteria vines.  Wisteria  grows at an alarming rate and can overrun a trellis and make a run for something else if you don't keep it trimmed.   We planted it on this arbor with that in mind.  There is nothing close to it to grab on to.  So grabs onto itself and gets thicker.
   So, after one day of intense wacking and another of dragging it into the back of the pickup and hauling it to the place that takes the yard debris, the back yard looks better.  It is not done yet, not by a long shot, but I can look out there and not cring now.
   It looks like half my apple tree is dead so that is my next big project, and the pear tree needs to be trimmed, and the maples out front are starting to drop their leaves, and .........
and so we are home..

1 comment:

pzljohn said...

We too have found out that we can live very comfortablly in just 300 sq ft.