Thursday, October 20, 2011

Danger in the Backyard

One thing that continues whether you are home or not is growth.  The grass grows, the weeds grow, the ivy really goes wild.  Such is our backyard.  We have a service that takes care of the mowing and edging but not the weeds; not the dead tree branches that have accumulated.  The result is day of trimming and a trip to the place that takes yard debris.  The business takes our yard debris, grinds it up, and converts it to bark mulch.  So, several hours were spent cutting, sawing, and trimming, it was time to think about loading the back of the pickup.  There was just the holly bush to finish trimming.  I clipped the front area and moved to the back side to finish up.  All of a sudden I was under attack.  I felt something flying at my face.  Then, Ouch!  I've been stung!  On my left eyebrow!  More yellow jackets are flying at me!  Now there's another flying around my face and he gets me in my other eyebrow.  Pretty soon I'm moving rapidly ( see running) to distance myself from that area.  No matter, several of the little devils were chasing me around the backyard.  Finally, I ducked into the house, but had to watch out for the single that had followed me.  After we encouraged him out, I could relax.
   After I took a Benadryl, I cautiously back outside to finish up.  I decided to stay away from the back corner of our yard.  The trimming there will have to wait until the weather gets cold and the yellow jackets are asleep.  The truck got loaded and tied down, but it was too late to go dump.  That's tomorrow's adventure.

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