Saturday, October 9, 2010

The rain woke me up this morning. Rather the plop, plop of rain drops on the roof of the trailer. I love the sound of rain on the roof. It makes me want to cuddle. But I am less fond of the plop, plop of drops of water falling off the tree canopy overhead. In an open area, you know when the rain starts and stops. You know when it increases and decreases. Under a tree canopy it is similar but different. The drops are delayed and extended. When the actual rain has subsided, the drops continue; plop, plop.

Walking the road in the morning after a rain is time to count the worms as they do their stretching exercises. I hope they are done and have gone back underground before vehicle start using this pavement.

This moisture was predicted for today. 40% the NOAA weather report said. That part was correct. But the forecast also predicted winds last evening and through the night with gusts up to 35mph. On that item the report was full of hot air.

Yesterday was the first Thursday of the month, which meant that the San Juan Island fiber group met at the library. Spinners. When we get to a new area, I am always on the lookout for a spinning/weaving group. Being a guy interested in fiber makes me one of a few, but it’s ok. The females are tolerate of us males.

Usually, the gatherings are just that; gatherings of fellow spinners who get together to spin and talk about what they are spinning, etc. This group is that and more. They are actually interested in increasing their knowledge of new ideas and methods using spinning wheels. There was a short presentation about Mohair; what to look for, different types, etc. Mohair is the fleece from an Angora goat. (Angora comes from an Angora rabbit).

The second part of the program was an explanation of the making of Boucle’ Yarn. Basically it is fuzzy, bumpy yarn that is fairly expensive to buy in a yarn shop. After the presentation, the group was given access to a large amount of Mohair fleece which we carded and then proceeded to play with. I borrowed some thread and spin it, allowing the loose fibers to adhere themselves onto it as it wound into the spindle of my wheel. The next step would be to run that thru the wheel again, spinning in the opposite direction, while plying a binding thread onto the yarn. The end result is boucle’ yarn. I need much more practice; much much more practice.

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