Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Walk to Grandma's Cove

The sun came out and it was time to take a walk. Roving is what it is called. You are in uniform walking the trails checking for litter, seeing that the information booklets are fully stocked, and visitors are having a good time.

So off I went. The sun was shining, with a good breeze from the west. It became stronger as I approached the cliff overlooking the water which was the Strait of Juan de Fuca with the snowcapped Olympics to the southwest. Then, there amongst the white caps, I saw a black shape. Then there was a spout of breath like from a whale. Wow, there's another.

I found a spot on the hill and sat down and pulled out the binoculars. For the next fifteen minutes I watched the pod (of about 6 or 7 animals) swim past. It was great fun. I do not remember even noticing the wind other than it was difficult to hold the binoculars steady. After they had moved out of sight, I further explored several beaches nearby looking for that perfect piece of driftwood. It is still out there.

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